S.A.L.L.I.'S MISSION SUMMER CAMP Please Preregister EMERGENCY CONTACT LIST Small Scholar Handbook Interest in Financial Aid AFTER SCHOOL TUTORING AVAILABLE Tutoring Rachel Slaughter's Bio S.A.L.L.I. Application SALLI Students Instructor and Volunteer Application S.A.L.L.I. in PHOTOS Consider a Free Will Donation S.A.L.L.I. PHOTO ALBUM

The Salt and Light Learning Institute

82 North Lansdowne Avenue

Lansdowne, PA 19050

(Corner of Lansdowne and Stewart)

Rachel Slaughter, M.Ed.,

Executive Director

"Please like us on Facebook."

The Salt and Light Learning Institute's



The mission of S.A.L.L.I. is to enrich young people’s lives by celebrating cultural literacy and exposing students to an academic cornucopia. At S.A.L.L.I., students engage in reading, writing, history, and science. Through a total immersion in literacy, the program will help students join the rich and rewarding world of academia.

The Salt and Light Learning Institute is located next to The Garden Church.Our entrance is through the RED DOORS.